In the same day, Titanic Alley got mentioned in two different blogs about current trends in Columbia. (Full disclosure, they were facilitated by the same person – but I’m counting them twice!)

A couple of weeks ago, Lord Maxwell contacted me about working with him on an article for the new Fig Columbia magazine’s blog about the renaissance of the bow tie. I was happy to oblige, particularly when L.M. told me he would do a different post on his own blog about local fashion. The Fig article was great, because I got mentioned in the same context as Lucky Levinson of Britton’s – who has the world’s most-watched YouTube video on tying a bow tie. Seriously – he’s closing in on 3 million views! You can read all about the blossoming bow tie scene in Soda City here.
In his own blog, Lord Maxwell takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to following local fashion. Check out his post about Titanic Alley here.